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GSEOS::Download::New Horizons::New Horizons 4.4.0



Updates since 4.3.3

  • MOC Interface
    The interface to the MOC TLM servers allows you to retrieve data from the New Horizons MOC servers.
  • STOL Interpreter
    Implemented user error handler. This allows you to be notified for errors that happen during the execution of a STOL procedure. You can set your error handler with: StolEmu.fSetErrorHandler(). Your custom error handler should take one parameter which is an Exception (or derived) object.

    def fMyHandler(oX):
      print 'The following error has occurred: %s' % oX

  • TC_TLM_Load
    Compliant with the latest release of the spreadsheet specification. The limitation of 16 cal pairs is gone. PAIR NUM is now obsolete on the CALP sheet. The column headers 'Cal Pair Raw (1-16)' and 'Cal Pair Eng (1-16)' should be renamed to 'Cal Pair Raw' and 'Cal Pair Eng' respectively. A warning will be printed otherwise.
    Your spreadsheets have been converted with the current version of TC_TLM_Load, so you don't have to go through this process.

The archive is a cumulative upgrade and contains all system folders as well as instrument folders.

The following additions to your gseos.ini files have been made:

Import = MOCBios

Load     = MOC\MOC.tr
BlkFiles = MOC\MOC.blk

The above settings set up the MOC interface. The predefined MOC configuration has been added to your gseos.ini file as well. Please review the documentation for details about the MOC interface.

There is one particular issue I would like to point out here:
The secondary CCSDS header that gets delivered from the MOC server has an additional 32-bit packetized MET field for high-speed ApIds! This needs to be taken care of in the according spreadsheet definitions for the high-speed ApIds. You have to define the packetized MET as the first item since the CCSDS header is copied verbatim into the TLM block which in turn gets moved to your specific ApId block. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me and we can discuss.

The TC_TLM_Load conversion has been run on your spreadsheets, so there should be no need to run them again unless you have made changes.

The attached archive contains the GSEOS New Horizons software and updated versions of the individual instrument customizations. Please back up your current installation and unzip the archive into a new folder. If you have made any changes to your configuration files since you submitted them please update accordingly.

The current documentation is included in the archive and can be found in the 'doc' folder.

2024 GSE Software, Inc.