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GSEOS::Download::New Horizons::New Horizons 5.1.1


New Horizons 5.1.1

Updates since 5.0.2

  • STOL Interpreter

    The re-implemented STOL interpreter fixes the problem where the opening of a menu stops the STOL countdown timers. The redesign doesn't run the interpreter in a separate thread like the previous version. The implications are that no more synchronization constructs are needed. On the other hand blocking operations in the STOL or embedded Python code will lock up GSEOS. New additions are a debug window that lets you enter any valid STOL expressions and also allows you to reposition with GOTO statements. The error handling is more forgiving and does not abort the procedure.

    Argument passing by reference is now implemented. This will allow you to reduce the amount of global variables.

    The syntax of the WRITE statement allows for the passing of function call results and expressions as arguments.

  • TC_TLM_Load updated

    The TC_TLM_Load package for conversion of the TC and TLM spreadsheets is updated to comply with the latest spec.

  • Payload configuration

    Thanks to Chuck Schlemm who kept the Payload information updated we have a current version of the Payload definitions. The payload definitions have been moved out of the individual instrument gseos.ini files and into the global gseos.ini file (which is referenced via include from the instrument gseos.ini).

  • Redundant S/C ApIDs

    Depending on test/operations mode the S/C and deliver data on IEM A or IEM B or both.
    There can only be one active IEM at any given time (the active bus controller) and the IEMs announce which one is active in the PDU data.
    The data delivered from each IEM has different ApIDs. However, the contents of the data is mostly identical. For example 'STAT' data is delivered with ApID 0x04 from IEM A and contains instrument non-packetized data. When delivered from IEM B the same data has ApID 0x84. Besides the two IEMs there is also a restricted bandwidth mode in which only a subset of the STAT data is delivered, the ApID for IEM A is 0x05 and for IEM B is 0x85. The same process applies to other ApIDs as well, please refer to the table below for a brief summary.
    Although it is possible to create screens that display the information for all ApIDs this is inconvenient an error prone since you have to be aware at all times which one the active ApID is.
    To make things easier we have implemented a mechanism that maps the currently active ApID to a generic block that can be used to display the data item from it's currently active source ApID. All S/C ApIDs have been given names, e.g. STAT_A, STAT_B for 0x04 and 0x84. The merged block in this case is STAT_x. The x indicates that is can be either a block from IEM A or IEM B, depending on which is active.
    If you want to refer to items from the merged block please refer to the block definition to find out which mnemonics are being used. The ApID is also encoded in the mnemonic name (i.e. CDH_1_MODE_1553_TT_004) and you have to find out which ones are being used for the merged block.
    We currently don't merge the full blocks with the short blocks since the short packet data is really sparse and doesn't map well. If you are interested in the short packets you have to independently display or decode them (although the short packets from both IEMs are mapped into short merged blocks).
    Some of the block names have been changed due to space limitations of the EPOCH system. I updated several of the instrument configuration files to reflect the new block names. Please verify your instrument folder accordingly.

    To give you more control over the status of the active IEM you can use the 'IEM Status.scr' display that shows the currently active IEM and also gives you a button to override this and set an active IEM manually:

    ApID Block Name Merged Name IEM Size Content
    0x04 STAT_A STAT_x A Full Status, includes instrument non-packetized data
    0x05 ST_A ST_x A Short Status for minimum downlink conditions
    0x08 CDH_A CDH_x A Full Command and Data Handling, includes instrument interface status
    0x09 PA_A1 Px_A1 A Full PDU Analog measurements, including instrument voltages and currents
    0x0A PA_A2 Px_A2 A Full PDU Analog measurements, continued
    0x0B PA_D1 Px_D1 A Full PDU Digital status, including instrument switch and circuit breaker status
    0x0C PA_D2 Px_D1 A Full PDU Digital status, continued
    0x0D T_A T_x A Full Temperature measurements, including instrument temperatures
    0x84 STAT_B STAT_x B Full Status, includes instrument non-packetized data
    0x85 ST_B ST_x B Short Status for minimum downlink conditions
    0x88 CDH_B CDH_x B Full Command and Data Handling, includes instrument interface status
    0x89 PB_A1 Px_A1 B Full PDU Analog measurements, including instrument voltages and currents
    0x8A PB_A2 Px_A2 B Full PDU Analog measurements, continued
    0x8B PB_D1 Px_D1 B Full PDU Digital status, including instrument switch and circuit breaker status
    0x8C PB_D2 Px_D2 B Full PDU Digital status, continued
    0x8D T_B T_x B Full Temperature measurements, including instrument temperatures

The archive is a cumulative upgrade and contains all system folders as well as instrument folders.

Known Issues
In single file recorder mode the record file is not closed until recording stops. This might lead to long delays on shutdown if you record lots of data into a single file. I recommend using automatic file mode when possible or to restrict single file mode for quick and short recordings.

The attached archive contains the GSEOS New Horizons software and updated versions of the individual instrument customizations. Please back up your current installation and unzip the archive into a new folder. If you have made any changes to your configuration files since you submitted them please update accordingly. Please also refer to the section covering the S/C ApIDs if you are using PDU data.

The current documentation is included in the archive and can be found in the 'doc' folder.

2024 GSE Software, Inc.