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GSEOS::Download::Messenger::Stol Emulator R186.020


Messenger Stol Emulator R186.020


The main upgrade is a performance improvement. The intermediary Python code is cached and reused when the STOL source does not change. This increases speed significantly, especially for large STOL scripts. The cache file is stored in StolFile.prc.py, where StolFile is your file STOL file. Although the file has a .py extension it is actually not a Python file, it is a cache of some internal containers generated by 'pickle'. However, the Python source is pretty much in the clear. If the STOL file or the version of the StolEmu.py file changes the cached file is discarded and regenerated. So if you change the source constantly you won't gain too much from this caching. There are some other performance improvements, so even while developing a STOL script this release should work faster.

In addition to the performance improvements there are some bug fixes:

  • Local variables were not passed properly to STOL procedure calls. Fixed.

  • If a local variable was defined after a GOTO statement and that statement was executed an error was reported. Fixed.

    This is an update release to R186.018, only the StolEmu.py file is deployed. If you have an earlier version than R186.018 installed you might want to upgrade to R186.018 first before installing R186.020. There are separate updates for Gseos4.5 and Gseos5.0. The Gseos5.0 release also contains the GseosBDM_d.pyd file to fix a FRAME PROCESS problem.

  • Install:
    Gseos4.5: Download StolEmu4.5.186.020.zip and extract the file into the Messenger root directory (where the gseos.exe resides).
    Gseos5.0: Download StolEmu5.0.186.020.zip and extract the files into the Messenger root directory (where the gseos.exe resides). 


    Module File Version
    StolEmu (for Gseos4.5) StolEmu.py
    StolEmu (for Gseos5.0) StolEmu.py
    StolEmu (for Gseos5.0) GseosBDM_d.pyd
    2024 GSE Software, Inc.