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GSEOS::Download::Messenger::Stol Emulator R186.022


Messenger Stol Emulator R186.022

  • Implemented fSetCMDHandler() function to allow to add a custom function to handle STOL CMD statements.

  • Ensure that WRITE arguments are comma separated. Before this fix the emulator allowed WRITE statements that were errors on EPOCH.

    This is an update release to R186.020, only the StolEmu.py file and an updated documentation is deployed. If you have a version earlier than R186.020 installed you must upgrade to R186.020 first before installing R186.022. The updates for Gseos4.5 and Gseos5.0 are identical.

    Download StolEmuX.X.186.022.zip and extract the files into the Messenger root directory (where the gseos.exe resides).


    Module File Version
    StolEmu StolEmu.py x.x.186.022
    StolEmulator Documentation StolEmulator.chm
    2024 GSE Software, Inc.