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GSEOS::Download::New Horizons::TC_TLM_Load R232.021


New Horizons TC_TLM_Load R232.021


  • Fix poly conversion function bug.
  • Ensure that the Inverse Bit and Reverse Bit columns are either 'N' or blank.
  • Fix excluded command regular expressions.
  • Fix array item detection. 
  • Set the Detect Array Item default to off. 
  • Exclude the MACRO parameter from the conversion.
  • Add ... to menu entries that prompt for user input.
  • Fix Switch Limit Low(N) on the COEFF sheet.
  • Don't enforce NUMBITS any longer (the MACRO parameter which is never passed to the command objects has the length 1.)
  • Fix bug in STOL logging

This archive contains a complete TC_TLM_Load package installation that will integrate seamlessly with Build 3 of the New Horizons code. It implements the TC_TLM_Load functionality as well as the STOL Emulator.

You need to install GSEOS 5.1 release R232 or higher. If you don't have this release installed you can upgrade by downloading the latest release from the Kernel download site. If you are currently using GSEOS 4.5 or GSEOS 5.0 you want to follow the upgrade instructions. GSEOS 5.1 implements the conversion formulas needed for the engineering unit conversions found in the telemetry database.

Download TC_TLM_Load. and extract the files into the Pluto root directory (where the gseos.exe resides).

After all files are extracted you have to run the supplied configuration script: SetupTC_TLM_Load.bat. This script will remove some former TCLoad files that were located in the Pluto root directory. It will also remove the folder TCLoad with all its contents if you have installed a previous version of the TCLoad module. The configuration script will also set some gseos.ini entries to configure your version properly. Please refer to the TC_TLM_Load documentation for further details.

If you have a previous version of the old TCLoad module installed you have to manually remove the following two entries in your gseos.ini file:

Load = TCLoad\CmdCtrl.cm
BlkFiles = TCLoad\RawCmd.blk

You have to manually add an entry to the gseos.ini file: The command module you want to use for your commands. When you generate a command script from an Excel telecommand spreadsheet you specify a command module in the according configuration file. This command module you have to specify in the gseos.ini section [Command] under the entry CommandModule, e.g. to set the CommandModule to AliceCmd you would add the following entry to the [Command] section:



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