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  • Fixed: If a y(t) display had a history depth of more than 3000 (this is a combination of Range and Event Period settings) the display got distorted. Now the depth can be up to 64,000. However, it is not recommended to use such deep y(t) displays since performance may severely suffer. If you want to use such a deep history you should set the scroll width to at least 50% or higher to avoid redrawing the entire display with each new data arrival. 
  • Gseos5.0 only: The edit hot keys: Shift-Ins, and Ctrl-Ins can now be invoked through Ctrl-V, Ctrl-P as well. Ctrl-X is supported to delete items.


Module File Version
gseos.exe gseos.exe
gseos.exe gseos.exe


2024 GSE Software, Inc.