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GSEOS::Download::New Horizons::4.0.0


New Horizons 4.0.0


  • LORRI IGSE to OCF interface
  • Frame Grabber (Linux PC) interface
  • TC_TLM_Load package (R036)
  • Critical Command dialog box processing
  • INST_WRITE block to monitor all data sent to the instrument
  • GSEOS 5.1.239
  • Instrument customization modules incorporated into the archive
  • Ability to control the format of the STOL Log entries  

The archive contains the complete TC_TLM_Load package (R036), GSEOS 5.1.239 and New Horizons customization (Build4). For later versions of these modules please check on the New Horizons Download page

Microsoft .NET Framework Version 1.1 (available from Microsoft, go to your Start menu and select: Windows Update).

Any command menus, command modules, block definition files, and formula files that have been generated with versions earlier than R035 of TC_TLM_Load need to be regenerated with this new version!

The attached archive contains the code for all of the instrument 'flavors' of the Spacecraft Emulator. Use WinZIP to extract the archive to the desired location on your hard-drive (do not attempt to install this build on top of an existing GSEOS installation - use a new folder to install this code). In order to launch a particular 'flavor', go to the folder named for the instrument (e.g. i_SWAP for the SWAP instrument) and copy (do not cut) the following two files: Gseos.ini and AUTODSK1.DT. Then paste these two files into the Pluto folder (reply 'YES' when asked if you want to replace the existing files of those names). Then change the properties of these files in the Pluto folder to Read/Write (i.e. right-click on the file, then uncheck the "Read Only" box on the properties dialog box). Also, change the properties of all the files in the 'Log Files' folder to read/write as well. Then double click on the gseos.exe file in the Pluto folder to launch the Spacecraft Emulator code. Please note that Build 4 of the Spacecraft Emulator requires Microsoft .NET version 1.1. If your system has an earlier version on .NET installed, then Builds 1, 2, and 3 will function normally, but Build 4 will not launch correctly (since the STOL Emulator feature requires the latest version of .NET). So if you have any problems launching Build 4, then first verify that you have .NET version 1.1 installed - if not, then use the Windows Update feature on the Start menu to upgrade your system.

If you have a previous version of the TC_TLM_Load module installed you can remove the command modules that have been used in previous versions from your gseos.ini file. Check the name of the command module in the gseos.ini file. It is listed under the [Command] section:


Now check in the [Config] section for entries that load the command module with a .py extension. You can remove this entry. The command module is not longer required.

Also, the following two entries can be removed:
Load = TCLoad\CmdCtrl.cm
BlkFiles = TCLoad\RawCmd.blk

You have to manually add an entry to the gseos.ini file: The command module you want to use for your commands. When you generate a command script from an Excel telecommand spreadsheet you specify a command module in the according configuration file. This command module you have to specify in the gseos.ini section [Command] under the entry CommandModule, e.g. to set the CommandModule to AliceCmd you would add the following entry to the [Command] section:


You can download the users manual here.

Thomas Hauck:     310-739-5384 (support@gseos.com)
Jeremiah Finnigan: 240-228-5725
Jeff Blanchette:    240-228-8612

You can also file any bug reports or other concerns at the support site.

2024 GSE Software, Inc.