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GSEOS::Download::New Horizons::TC_TLM_Load R232.035


New Horizons TC_TLM_Load R232.035


  • Convert numeric parameters that have the data type UNSIGNED accordingly.
  • Don't restrict NUM BITS to 32.
  • Fix block generation bit order.
  • Map the Start Bit element into the range 0..7.
  • Implement new spreadsheet specification. This mostly deals with the requirements on ARG FIXED DATA VALUE. KEYWORD arguments are no longer allowed. This will affect old spreadsheet definitions! They need to be adjusted to the new spec in order to be processed properly.
  • Change the EU, RAW values to EU_TYPE and RAW_TYPE.
  • Add block file header.
  • Allow ApId_TLM.config as a config file for TLM spreadsheets. This enables you to specify only one config file for several TLM spreadsheets for the same ApId.
  • Allow XXX_CMD.config as a config file for CMD spreadsheets.
  • Unhook the command module and generate code for the cmdBuilder/argBuilder objects directly in the command menu.
  • Detect duplicate TLM mnemonic definitions.
  • Make the CAL PAIR LINEAR conversion inclusive on the right side (the upper limit).
  • Add the critical command information to the Builder module.
  • Instantiate UnsignedIntFixedBdr(Length, Value = 0) objects for ARG FIXED DATA WORD VALUE parameters.


This archive contains the complete TC_TLM_Load package installation. You need to have at least Build 4 of the New Horizons distribution.

You need to install New Horizons Build 4 or higher. The Build 4 distribution has this release of the TC_TLM_Load package built-in, so there is no need to apply this update if you perform a clean install of Build 4.

Any command menus, command modules, block definition files, and formula files that have been generated with previous versions of TC_TLM_Load need to be regenerated with this new version!

Download TC_TLM_Load. and extract the files into the Pluto root directory (where the gseos.exe resides).


If you have a previous version of the TC_TLM_Load module installed you can remove the command modules that have been used in previous versions from your gseos.ini file. Check the name of the command module in the gseos.ini file. It is listed under the [Command] section:


Now check in the [Config] section for entries that load the command module with a .py extension. You can remove this entry. The command module is not longer required.

Also, the following two entries can be removed:
Load = TCLoad\CmdCtrl.cm
BlkFiles = TCLoad\RawCmd.blk

You have to manually add an entry to the gseos.ini file: The command module you want to use for your commands. When you generate a command script from an Excel telecommand spreadsheet you specify a command module in the according configuration file. This command module you have to specify in the gseos.ini section [Command] under the entry CommandModule, e.g. to set the CommandModule to AliceCmd you would add the following entry to the [Command] section:



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